Deus Ex Photos
2020 Conference has been postponed
Due to the government directive of a meeting over 100 people
Plans are made for the conference to be on in November
Deus Ex Photos, liken to the term Dada, is nonsense name alluding to the term Deus Ex Machina (the god in the machine). It playfully suggests a 'spirit in the camera', acknowledging a powerful creative force present as students work in photomedia. This site hopes to assist with the revolution that is occurring in photography at high schools. The availability of analogue and digital photography has provided students with an unsurpassed opportunity to creative and showcase their work. With converging technologies in photomedia and the ubiquitous presence of social media students are immersing themselves in this expressive form to produce evocative artworks.
A big thank you to Wenona for allowing us to host the conference at the Independent Theatre